It certainly appears to be happening

I haven’t been writing as much about the house in Carmichael as I had about the house in Fair Oaks even though the house in Carmichael is certainly going to go through while the house in Fair Oaks fell through at the last moment.

We have done inspections and there are no big issues. There have been a few small issues but they are probably more nerve-wracking for the sellers than for us. Basically the sellers put in a lot of work and money into repairs and our inspector found little things, such as loose toilets, small amounts of dry rot, etc. which they had signed off on. But they seem eager to sell and to do any repairs to make it happen.

The yard. Plenty of potential. Six Redwoods. Arborist says they are in good shape.

One bit of major miscommunication, was our inspector discovered the drier vent emptied into the crawl space under the house. We at first thought it had never vented to the exterior and we spent too much time inefficiently research how to vent a dryer from scratch when all we really meant was how to reattach a vent that had become disconnected. Meanwhile the sellers insisted it did vent to the patio and showed a photograph. Good to know but I’m not sure we communicated that it wasn’t that there was no venting structure in place (which we had first originally thought) but that under the house the connecting hose had simply become detached. They assured they would fix it and we will find out next Tues. but right now we are unsure what was communicated. That’d be funny if it weren’t so stressful.

Anyway, we have done inspections and signed off and wired the funds and escrow will close next week and we’ll get keys a week from Sunday.

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