A break from house stuff. Some musings on Tintin.

For various reasons, I’m not going to talk about the house right yet. (Oh, but I went to the charming Fair Oaks Horticultural Center yesterday. Delightful!) So instead I’m going to talk about musings on Tintin.

In Red Rackham’s Treasure the book has an unusual cutaway scene setup as an introduction. (Herge was probably attempting to mimic the cinema of the time) In a dockside bar two working men meet at a bar. One asks the other if he is still a ship’s cook, and the other, Bill, tells of how he is about to embark an an engagement with Tintin and Captain Haddock on the Sirius. This is the same cook in The Shooting Star. He accuses Snowy of stealing biscuits but the biscuits were actually stolen by Professor Calculus.

Continue reading “A break from house stuff. Some musings on Tintin.”

The Story So Far

Sale Pending

K and I really need to move. Our house, though with charms, is simply too small and has terrible flow with a bottle-neck when the hallway, living room kitchen and converge into a 32-inch passage way. A sideways move to a nicer house in El Cerrito isn’t really practical or affordable and, let’s face it, in terms of traffic crowds, cost of living etc. … If you have to ask you’ll never believe the answer. Let’s just say K had more access to culture in Fresno and I had more in Eugene because you could actually get to it.

Should be plenty to explore. Note the pedestrian bridge across the American River and the Parks and nature areas near the river.

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Long Day, Short Post

Little Dog says come in

Inspectors: HVAC, Plumber, Arborist and Handyman came today.

We let the little dog run around the yard. (She loves if.) We weren’t aware the gardening truck we had seen were for the seller and they were working on this house and the little dog got out through an open gate and trot trot trotted down the street.

Continue reading “Long Day, Short Post”

Man’s Best Friend

Sweet Dog and the Devil

So what did she do today? She arranged for an HVAC inspector, a plumber, a handyman to come Thurs, wrote to the county for records. What did I do? I cursed about how my WordPress installation has difficulty with images. And I called Sacramento to find out who provides our electrical service. And I walked the dog.

Continue reading “Man’s Best Friend”

Getting Started

I want to talk about the house we have made an offer on.

Our House

It is in Fair Oaks, outside of Sacramento. This blog is to cover our progress but if I can’t figure out WordPress control panels, who knows.

Anyway, Here are our pets.

Gustafer, Little Dog and Oliver (still in El Cerrito)

Okay that’s enough for now. I’ll type more tonight when I get more control of how this works.