The first few days.

So we picked up the keys on Sunday Feb. 26 and spent the first night here on an inflatable mattress (which promptly and immediately leaked so we had to rush out to buy a replace it). Let’s see what images I have lying around in the mess of a photo directory dump I can bring up and talk of our first nights.


Ah, the sold sign. Always photogenic marker.

Rose in bloom on our first day.
Spartan sleeping. Still what we are sleeping on a month later. Of course, we’ve only been spending two nights a week here so….

That’s our old mattress. It’s rather frustrating we only got to use it twice before it got the leak.

I may need to have words with K. I do not remember any discussion about fridge magnets. Anyway, this is actually our first personal touch. I guess.
Rainy grey day looking out over our porch.
I love the sculpture. It was above K’s parents’ fireplace while she was growing up. It doesn’t show to his best effect here but until we get permanent mantel art, it will live here.
Our first fire

This house has a gas igniter which is pretty awesome. You set the logs with a minimum of kindling and now paper. You light a match and run the gas and giant flame thrower flumes of gas light your fire. When you are sure the logs have caught you turn of the gas. It makes starting very easy, fast and efficient, but I do miss all the techniques and skills me grandmother fostered in me. It’s one of those do-it-by-touch-and-gut skills (like parallel parking and docking sailboats) that were nearly impossible to learn but once you have it, you feel so proud of it.

Bananagrams by the fire.

The card table and fold out chairs are still what we are using. We want to replace to floors from a lush (but easy to see dirt) carpet to tile-esque vinyl hard floor, before we move any furniture in. That’s been a major issue.

One issue that was never really addressed and downplayed during the sale stage was that the garage wall seeps in heavy rains. It was not actually clear what it meant and they hemmed and hawed that a sealant paint had been applied and it’d be fine. Now we know what it means. It’s nice to see it is very precisely located but it is persistent. I think maybe a laying of cement will fix it.

They left this one piece of lawn sculpture. During open whose K jokingly said they could leave it and the sellers’ agent heard and noted. There were other things I would have liked (including the yard swings) but I kept my mouth shut.

Overflowing gutter. It just needed someone to climb up and pull a handful of gunk out. It was two weeks before I convinced K I’d be willing to do it.

Okay. That’s it for now. I actually had more photos and more chronicling than I thought I would. I regret it’s too far back to give a proper narrative story telling.

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